Video #7 - April Fools! Bake-Time with Jill & Chef Chimpan-A?s
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Moose!Video #6 - St. Valentine's Day
Cream Puffs
Jill plays matchmaker
and Jack meets the love of his life... all due to this delicious cream puff recipe.
Video #5 - New Year's Eve
Chocolate Cream Pie
In honor of the annual 3 Stooges New Year's marathon,
we thought it would be appropriate to serve Chocolate Cream Pie!
Video #4 - Christmas Walnut Balls
A holiday sing-a-long! Enjoy some of your favorite Christmas carols, twisted around a bit to fit Jill's recipe!
Video #3 - Thanksgiving Apple Pie
Join Jill and Jack Whabbit as they prepare a Thanksgiving favorite...Be sure to set your timer!
Video #2 - Halloween Creeeepy Cupcakes
Don't be too a-scarry, these treats are sweet and harmless!
A short Halloween film
Jill and Jack discuss scary movies. It seems that Jack has a favorite Hitchcock film that he's happy to reenact.
Video #1 - Meet Jill, oh, yeah, and Jack Whabbit!
Two quazy zany kids who like to bake!